Drop In Sessions


What’s Drop-In football?

We almost always have spaces every Tuesday and Friday from 8pm (finishing around 10pm) for footballers to play. We have 48 spaces in total and have never filled up, although we do regularly over 40 players, especially on Tuesdays.

If you are over 35, have £10 for a game, are willing to communicate via WhatsApp and Teamsnap (the app we use for signing in) and will sign up to our player-club contract and constitution then you will be made very welcome to come and play with us, as long as you sign in by 9am on the day you wish to play.

How do I sign in?

  1. WhatsApp Pete Bull on 07508712421 with your email and full name

  2. He will add you to the Drop-In WhatsApp group and send you a Teamsnap download invite

  3. Tick in on Teamsnap before 9am the day you want to play. If you do not sign in, you cannot play.

  4. Members take priority- if there’s not enough spaces, the last Drop-Ins to sign in will be the first to be told they can’t play. Sorry in advance, it sucks but we have to manage numbers somehow

  5. Watch for the announcements in the Drop-In WhatsApp group to confirm you are playing and to pay via the link provided

Don’t hesitate to message Pete with any questions!

What do we expect of you?

  • Sign in on Teamsnap before 9am the day you want to play

  • Bring a black top and a yellow top to play in, as well as shorts/socks/shin pads/water and appropriate footwear (scroll down to find out what that is). The two different colours are to help the 1 in 12 male footballers who have issues with discerning colour!

  • Payment of £10 by clicking onto a link in the Drop-In WhatsApp on the day you play

  • Warm up before you come! It will be physically challenging the first time!

  • Relax into the game, you have nothing to prove, enjoy your football: we want you to come back, not get injured within twenty minutes of being on the pitch

  • Respectful, caring behaviour, including showing up on time, helping out with setting up, getting the ball straight away if you kick it out of the 3G, collecting and putting equipment away at the end, no goalhanging/try to stay onside at all times, no slide tackles

What should I expect?

  • There’s always a facilitator running the evening. They will be outside the 3G.

  • They will welcome you, introduce you to some of the group and let you know what else to expect.

  • At 815 pm, there’s the poem, followed by a team announcement, usually followed by a series of matches although facilitators can get more creative with the format, til around 10pm.

Come and join us. If you are old enough you are good enough!


appropriate footwear
